Lakshmi Baiju, TU Delft

Travel expenses to Kochi and Delhi, India, for master research on renewable energy

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Amber Coppens, TU Delft

Reiskosten naar Tindouf, Algerije tbv masteronderzoek naar vluchtelingen-kampen van het Saharawi-volk. Dit project onderzoekt allereerst de cultuur,… Read More

DELVA Landscape Architects

English translation publication 'Buiksloterham Circulair - designing the post-industrial city'... Read More

HarperCollins Holland

Project 'Along fishermen's cottages and wind turbines'. A sailing trip from the Zuiderzee of 1873 to the IJsselmeer of today. In 1873... Read More

TU Delft

Port City Atlas: Mapping European Port City Territories: From understanding to design. Met de voorgestelde Port City… Read More
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