The EFL Foundation has a chair at TU Delft that is currently filled with the Van Eesteren Fellowship Lecture series led by Caroline Newton. The fellowship series focuses on design-related research and the power of design to investigate and then transform metropolitan issues. Huis Van Zessen in Alblasserdam is a dike house dating from 1923, designed by Cornelis van Eesteren. The EFL Foundation owns the house and it can now be visited by appointment thanks to an enthusiastic group of volunteers. They receive visitors and give interesting tours. They also maintain the house and its... Read More Streets, squares, parks, a museum and a museum house together form the Van Eesteren Museum in Amsterdam Slotermeer, where visitors are introduced to the heritage of Cornelis van Eesteren. What makes the Van Eesteren Museum, which opened in October 2010, unique is that the entire Westelijke Tuinsteden are the actual museum. This open-air... Read More The archive of Cornelis van Eesteren has been transferred to the State of the Netherlands and is managed by the New Institute (formerly the NAI). To view the archive, you can visit The New Institute. The New Institute The New Institute is a museum for... Read More