Beeldlijn Foundation

Research into contraction in the Northern Netherlands resulting in a 4-part series for TV.

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Studio ACTE, Rotterdam

Korte onderzoeksfilm met als onderwerp ‘Transforming Neighbourhoods’. De film onderzoekt de rol van het tuinhuisje in het… Read More

Erwin Jansen, CEDLA

Travel expenses to Lima, Peru, for research into the functioning of the unplanned informal city within the framework of Master... Read More

Publisher Vantilt, Nijmegen

Commercial edition of the thesis entitled 'For the land belongs to us all' about urban planner Lotte Stam-Beese... Read More

Iruma Rodríguez Hernández, Ac. van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam

Travel costs to Havana Cuba, as part of the Master's research into urban... Read More
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