Marcel van Engelen, Amsterdam

Publication with the working title 'The transformation of Amsterdam

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HarperCollins Holland

Project 'Along fishermen's cottages and wind turbines'. A sailing trip from the Zuiderzee of 1873 to the IJsselmeer of today. In 1873... Read More

Yuan Chun Liu, Rotterdam

Onderzoeksproject ‘Citizenship and Space: Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion in the City’. Het onderzoeksproject heeft tot doel… Read More

IJsselmeer Association, Sneek

The IJsselmeer Game, educational dilemma game for students VWO, HBO and WO The students are playfully introduced to the... Read More

EcoTeam Monterrey, TU Delft

Reiskosten tbv masteronderzoek ‘Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences’. Dit onderzoek streeft ernaar om bij te dragen aan… Read More
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