New policy

The EFL Foundation has its sights set on the future.

DE EFL Foundation wants to make a greater contribution to the current professional debate of the spatial planning and design disciplines. As of 1 December 2018, the relevance to the contemporary development of city and country will weigh more heavily in the evaluation of grant applications. What is the intended or possible impact of the submitted proposal on policy, politics, design and research? What new insights and what new knowledge does it yield that can help us better understand cities and landscapes so that we can make better choices for the future? EFL is looking for proposals with lessons that may be relevant for other parties.

More current

De socio-ruimte van Tummers

Op 30 november is de tentoonstelling ‘Jacobs droom’ geopend in het Schunck Museum in Heerlen, over het werk van Nic Tummers. Tummers was een beeldend… Read More

Klimaatrechtvaardigheid in de schijnwerpers

De EFL-Stichting nodigt je uit voor het slotevent! Aanmelden is mogelijk via deze link. In de zomer van 2022 lanceerde de Van… Read More
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