Foundation Maison d'Artiste Prototype

The exhibition '100 Years of the Maison d'Artiste'. In 2023 it will be 100 years since the Maison d'Artiste was designed by Theo van Doesburg and Cor van Eesteren. The proposal includes an exhibition in Delft's Prinsenkwartier with the Prototype as a basis. The exhibition consists of drawings, photographs and a number of 3D models, each of which illuminates different aspects of the Maison. These models can also be explained interactively.

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Małgorzata Rybak, TU Delft

Reiskosten naar Polen voor masteronderzoeksproject ‘Disturbing Normativity’. Dit voorstel onderzoekt de ingewikkelde relatie tussen de evoluerende sociaal-politieke… Read More

Museum Het Schip, Amsterdam

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Stichting Lijn in Landschap, Wageningen

Themadossier van Blauwe Kamer over de dreigende tekorten aan drinkwater. Dit dossier is samengesteld door gasthoofdredacteur Henk… Read More

Vantilt Publishing

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