Huib van Eesteren - Treasurer/Secretary

Mr. Huib (H.) van Eesteren is een neef van Cornelis van Eesteren. Hij is gepensioneerd in 2013.

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Harma Horlings – Bestuurslid

Harma (H.J.) Horlings MSc, is landschapsarchitect en senior adviseur bij Staatsbosbeheer en werkte eerder bij H+N+S landschapsarchitecten. Daarnaast geeft zij colleges en beoordeelt tentamens aan… Read More

Edwin Buitelaar - Member of the Board

Prof. Edwin (E.) Buitelaar is a researcher in the field of area and real estate development at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. In addition, he is an endowed professor at the... Read More

Femke E. Dijkstra - Secretary

Ms Femke (F.E.) Dijkstra is self-employed and works from Amsterdam to support the EFL Foundation. Read More

Leeke Reinders - Member of the Board

Dr. Leeke (L.G.A.J.) Reinders is an anthropologist with the Chair of Urban Architecture at TU Delft. In his research, teaching and publications he explores the... Read More
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